Assembly Line

In the slim chance I actually get juried into the Cherry Creek Arts Featival I thought I would do a ton of small paintings. Here’s the first batch of 3 in x 3 in lucky rabbits feet. Still need to paint batches of burning matches, ocular prosthetics, and fireworks. 


Research Sketches

I’ve spent more time on researching historic photos, and pouring over microfilm,  than I have and actually painting. Juxtaposing Denver from my childhood with contemporary or historic images is eating up a ton of time. Hopefully the 43 percent of Colorado natives will appreciate the time and effort I’m putting into my 2018 exhibition. Here’s a few preliminary sketches but stay tuned for more weirdness and lost places of Colorado history. 


Fort Worth Community Art Center


I had the honor of being selected to be part of a juried show out in Fort Worth, Texas. The theme was “Courage” and was part of a fundraiser for the Choose Courage Foundation that helps victims of domestic violence. So here’s the pic of my painting during the opening reception.  

Denver, are you listening?


I guess the upside to rolling with the old school local art sect is - I’m not the only one that feels an open contempt by the city towards Denver artists. You wanna throw meaningless graffiti characters on every building, and bring cookie cutter public art to our parks? Go right ahead. But at least deal with the open air drug deals, and drunks that trash our open spaces. Support the galleries, studios and individuals, that made those questionable neighborhoods desirable for transplants. I know you have the tax revenue since everyone and their cousin moves here. Stop putting artist that don’t have roots here on a pedestal for the public to fawn over. It’s super disheartening to watch co-op after co-op fold and struggle to find affordable new space. So that’s what my next and most likely final exhibition with Core New Art Space is all about. Denver left its biggest champions behind for a new facade, the ones that saw beauty in the city before it got to big for its britches. You want to put us on a website about arts and venues to attracted money and tourists but never actually visit the exhibition, never write us up in the news or share our posts. Time to find a place that actually values the time it takes to create something of meaning.


~For anyone that actually reads this sorry for the rant. 

Dear Denver


Denver... I miss how you use to be. Before you had a facelift and went back to college. Your flaws were what made you interesting. I was always there for you - having dinner with your Italian grandma on the north side, before your little sister Aurora turned trashy (she was always a little bit out there,) your uncle Boulder was so opinionated! Back before the area codes, when Colfax stretched from Israel to Mexico. But times change Denver and we all have to grow up. We’ll always have the memories of old men smoking cigarettes over coffee at Dutchboy Donuts, and the Barnes Dance downtown. Birthday picnics at Elitch Gardens and Celebrity or even setting off Roman candles in Globeville when the Broncos won back to back superbowls. 

While You


While you were exchanging political barbs on social media and marching past my old cracker box apartment in Capitol Hill with home made signs - I was toiling away documenting the events of the time with paint and trowel. Sacrificing what little I had left. Not for some inflated sense of ego or critical acclaim, not for the chance to ship my work into the middle of conservative America on my own dime. And while I’ll most likely never have thousands of Instagram followers or make 60k a year from selling art, maybe just maybe, some little kid that finishes tests early so they can draw on the back of the paper will get dragged to an art exhibit by their mom or dad, see one of my paintings and be inspired to actually creating something. Do something other than napping and walking the dog, working a cubical job that doesn’t really mean anything just like everyone else. Maybe they’ll spend all their free time creating something beautiful.

New Series!


In what could very well be my last exhibition with Core New Art Space at the Santa Fe Dr location, I’m starting work on my 2018 showing with a series of Colorado centric paintings before Denver completely cannibalizes what’s left of everything that makes this city interesting.    

Super Bummed

At the loss of Lawrence Argent, I had the privilege of visiting his studio multiple times and generally shooting the breeze about art. It’s a huge loss for the Denver art community and pretty tragic for the all of the art world. If you’re not familiar with his career - he was doing some pretty major projects in San Francisco and China.  


Plans for 2018


Pretty much every painting I do these days starts out as a quick thumbnail. Here’s one for my 2018 exhibition. The Rocky Mountain News was the morning paper here in Denver and was always the better of the two. Shout out to the Denver Native life.  
